Today after finishing the grouping of the narrative between the performance shots the cuts was sorted out and put into specific order and a tidier, straight line. When this was finished the music video was translated from proxy files into HD to really bring out the colors but also since this will make the video look so much more professional and bright.
When this was done we were introduced to the after affects program and our teacher taught us the basic and what we needed to do. So first of all the most important thing was to cover the green screen with the shots that were taken for this purpose in the scrap yard, and there was a lot of small details that had to be considered. But on the other hand the work with the after affects was really awarding since this gave a bigger insight of how the final result was actually going to look. We did some final touches such as putting some visual after affects such as gun flashes to make the shooting scenes more realistic. But we also worked on the affect of when shooting the car, the glass of the car was shot by an air gun but then we added some affects such as falling glass and bullet holes that we can see on the side of the car.
above you can see a screen recording of when we used the after affects and what we did. And below some pictures of the visual effects that were describe above.
I know that both me and Teodora have struggled and we had times were we thought we would never finished our the end result wouldn’t be as good as we predicted when planning the video, but today after starting the after affects we were really pleased and we also know that we worked hard to get the result that we manage to reach with our video.
I personally feel that this year has been a lot more pressure and struggle then when doing the thriller because I had a hard time with hearing the beat and cutting to the music, but even though I’m proud because I never gave up and I gave my best shot. The making of the music video was so much fun even though at times it was really stressful but I know that both me and Teodora are very pleased with the end result and I also know that personally I have developed my skills so much further compared to what I was working with before this project.
When this was done we were introduced to the after affects program and our teacher taught us the basic and what we needed to do. So first of all the most important thing was to cover the green screen with the shots that were taken for this purpose in the scrap yard, and there was a lot of small details that had to be considered. But on the other hand the work with the after affects was really awarding since this gave a bigger insight of how the final result was actually going to look. We did some final touches such as putting some visual after affects such as gun flashes to make the shooting scenes more realistic. But we also worked on the affect of when shooting the car, the glass of the car was shot by an air gun but then we added some affects such as falling glass and bullet holes that we can see on the side of the car.
above you can see a screen recording of when we used the after affects and what we did. And below some pictures of the visual effects that were describe above.
I know that both me and Teodora have struggled and we had times were we thought we would never finished our the end result wouldn’t be as good as we predicted when planning the video, but today after starting the after affects we were really pleased and we also know that we worked hard to get the result that we manage to reach with our video.
I personally feel that this year has been a lot more pressure and struggle then when doing the thriller because I had a hard time with hearing the beat and cutting to the music, but even though I’m proud because I never gave up and I gave my best shot. The making of the music video was so much fun even though at times it was really stressful but I know that both me and Teodora are very pleased with the end result and I also know that personally I have developed my skills so much further compared to what I was working with before this project.
Hers is our final result, enjoy!