To focus on the targeting of audiences we distributed a questionnaire which we gave out radomly to both adults and children and we had different respons from different people. Below you can see the questions and some of the most common answers.
1. What genre would you place this opening sequence in?
The majority placed it under the genre of 'action' or 'thriller'.
2. What did you think the film was about?
The participants guessed the storyline that we had in mind.
3. What stood out most to you in the opening sequence?
Most common answers:
-The shattering glass.
-Streaked mascara running down female's face.
-The extreme CU shot of the female making eye contact with the camera.
-The shot where the female drags her bloody hands down the photographs.
-When the toy is ripped apart.
-The match cuts.
-The music.
4. What were your impressions of the couple?
People said:
-'The couple looked realistic'
-'The contrast between the two characters worked well and was interesting to watch'
-'The girlfriend obviously loved her boyfriend more than he loved her'
-'The girl seemed really infatuated and went way too over the top with the whole issue. Bit un-realistic'
-'The female clearly had some issues!'
A weakness on ours seems that some participants might have wanted a more realistic/narrative storyline.
5. Would you go and see this film?
People said:
Not really my type of film, bit cliché, but i'm sure people would go and see it'. - 19 year old male student.
In most cases we had the expected answers and what we wanted to hear and this was very rewarding since all participants were non related to the production or seen the opening sequence before it was completley finished.