Saturday, 15 January 2011

Development and storyboarding

We are now coming to an end with the preparation of our title sequence; our idea has been changed from how it looked in the beginning but has developed into something even better. Our folder is now containing of our characters and people needed in the sequence and also our props list but it’s still in progress. We are finishing our storyboarding and preparing everything for our final shoot day the 27thof January. The development has been in progress for a while now and we are starting to come closer to the end also thanks to a good team work.

There’s a lot of details you have to prepare for the final day and you are starting to realize how long it actually will take when making a movie, if it takes us just one day to shoot four minutes and then maybe 15 hour more to cut and but in sound effects then imagine a movie that is almost two hours. We still need to get photos of the locations we are going to shot and so on but we still have a few days to prepare.

Below is our two diffrent storyboards that you clearly can see has developed and gone through a massive change.
Storyboarding is important for every movie that is made, it helps the team to be more organized but it will also be easier for every one to understand what is suppose to be done. If a main person of storyboarding would be absent from the shot day it will be easier to continue the filming because there is a papers, the storyboardning showing the people what to do. It also makes it easier to find out what is needed as props and what kind of location as well.