In class we have been talking much about opening sequences and the creation of them. Everyone in the class got to show on off there favourite scene and explain what they think about it and so on. There were a big mix between different scenes and a mix between both horror and thriller, some were really gore and some were just psychological but some were not really scary at all. What I mean is that some opening title sequences are not made to create to much tension more to reveal what the story line is about and to introduce the characters in the movie.
One opening scene that I really liked was the opening sequence for “Kill Bill” I wasn’t any titles in it so it was just an opening title sequences but you could easily make it as an title sequence. They used some good techniques such as black and white to show that it’s past time, close-ups to show the emotions and details well but also in the end of the sequence the man shoots the girl in the middle of an sentence which is a really unexpected move and a good way to surprise and scare the audience.
(Kill Bill opening scene)
One opening sequence that we look at was really looking like the opening scene of “The shinning” showing that after thirty years we still use the same methods. The movie is called the “crimson river” and when the opening title sequence begins they are following a car driving on country road while the titles are being shown, exactly the same as they do in the opening scene of the shinning. But you can at the same time see that there is a different between them seeing the time difference between the movies. The tiles are different and the positions of them, also the car shows that they take place in different decades.
I linked the both opening title sequences below for you to take a look for you self and see what you think about it.
I linked the both opening title sequences below for you to take a look for you self and see what you think about it.